Jan 31, 2009

silver medal!yahuuuu!

at last! i did somethin' for hafsa and hopefully they will appreciate my contribution towards them..(jgn ada saman lagi utk aku..haha..special privilege)

congrats to the teams and participants..
for the medallist, i guessed u are so lucky .hehe..but for non-medallist, its ok..try again next time!
credit to the committee members for a very pleasant closing ceremony...such a great event i ever saw in our campus..along with marching event from each mahallah, lead by their mascots! kreatif gile.especially the lion mascot from mahallah faroq!soo cute!..rasa nk peluk2 lion tu. hehe...

Jan 26, 2009


Tahniah FT..u are the future artist in M'sia..he deserves the title of ajl 23..but it's ok,myb juz not his luck,although he has performed the best (got loud voice frm the audience)..thats already satisfied all of his fans..btwn prove to them next time n back with your greatst hitz!All the best Faizal Tahir! actually, Rockensteiners is the official fan club of faizal tahir and i am one of them..hehe. i dont care if they said "menyampah" tu FT, as long as he can compose songs with high quality..mcm belajar QC laks..hehe

While listening to his song Sampai Syurga, i try to google his the info from Wikipedia..hehe

On 13 January 2008, Faizal courted controversy by removing his shirts to his bare chest and also his belt "live" on television during 8TV's fourth anniversay concert. Thus, 8TV's top management took stern action by giving him strict warnings and requiring him to be involved in charity work for six months. Besides this, two days after the incident, 8TV held a press conference for him to apologize to all who were offended by his stunt.As a result, on 19 January, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) stated that it would ban him from appearing on television for three months, and also bar 8TV from airing live or tape-delayed entertainment programmes throughout the same period, effective 15 January.The ban ruined his chance to perform two songs (Mahakarya Cinta and Kasih Tercipta) in Anugerah Juara Lagu organized by TV3.Days after the end of the ban, Faizal's woes did not end there when the Mufti of Perlis, Dato' Dr. Asri Zainul Abidin, issued a grievance to TV3 against having him for the Konsert Jom Heboh which was later held in the first weekend of May.

p/s: i guess he will come back to Perlis as Dr. Asri (former Mufti) will not ban him anymore..hehe

Jan 17, 2009

water crisis @ iium....again?

From Kosmo Online

KUALA LUMPUR - Majlis penamaan calon untuk pilihan raya kampus (PRK) Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM) yang sepatutnya berlangsung semalam terpaksa ditangguhkan pada 19 Januari ini gara-gara gangguan air.

Gangguan air itu dikatakan telah berlarutan sejak empat hari lalu berikutan kejadian tumpahan minyak kelapa sawit yang telah mencemar sumber air mentah di Loji Rawatan Air Sungai Gombak dekat sehingga menjejaskan bekalan kepada 18,000 penduduk di daerah Gombak.

Menurut jurucakap UIAM, berikutan masalah itu, ramai pelajar terpaksa pulang ke kampung halaman masing-masing sehingga masalah bekalan air kembali pulih dalam masa terdekat.

Ekoran penangguhan itu, katanya, proses pengundian yang sepatutnya dijalankan pada 19 Januari pula terpaksa ditangguhkan dan akan dijalankan pada 22 Januari.

"Pihak universiti terpaksa membatalkan semua aktiviti yang dirancang sepanjang minggu ini akibat masalah bekalan air yang berlaku kerana ia mengganggu kelancaran majlis dan memberi masalah kepada pelajar.

"Bagaimanapun, majlis penamaan calon dan proses pengundian bagi pilihan raya kampus UIAM akan tetap dijalankan pada tarikh baru berkenaan dan harap-harap semuanya berjalan lancar,'' katanya ketika dihubungi semalam.

Sementara itu, gangguan bekalan air di sekitar Gombak yang berlarutan selama empat hari itu pulih malam tadi.

Pengerusi Eksekutif Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn. Bhd. (Syabas), Tan Sri Rozali Ismail memberitahu, kerja-kerja pembersihan dan mencuci air sungai berkenaan sudah dijalankan sebanyak dua kali.

Kemalangan di KM28 Lebuh Raya Karak-Kuala Lumpur pada 13 Januari mengakibatkan tumpahan minyak kelapa sawit, menyebabkan gangguan bekalan air di lapan kawasan utama membabitkan 18,000 pengguna.

Antara kawasan yang terjejas ialah UIAM, British Malaysian Institute (BMI), Sekolah Menengah Teknik Gombak, Sekolah Menengah Integrasi Gombak, Plaza Tol Lebuh Raya Karak, Sekolah Al-Amin Gombak, International Islamic School dan stesen minyak BHP Lebuh Raya Karak.

alhamdulillah..walaupon 4 ari uia takde kolej hafsa tak terkena effectnyer..air ada je ada and laju lg..mcm hari2 biasa..penat je aku simpan air, bgn pagi2 utk mandi lps subuh sbb takut air hbis..and aku pon berniat utk mencatu jgk...sbb takut utk melabur di kala air kegersangan..hehe..walopon tak terkena tempias gangguan air tp aku teringat la keadaan yg sama 3 tahun lps (masa tu aku 1st year)..sama case ngn kali ni yg 3 tahun lpas tu lagi teruk! aku igt lagi...kitorg g mandi kt engin beramai2..mmg air kering sgt2 kt kolej..nsib baik kt engin ada lg air..and yg tak malunyer kitorg menggunakan toilet lelaki utk mandi..hahaha!nsib baik ramai2 (aku, zack, izzah ada ikut ke tak time tu..tak bape igt) ada tukang jaga pintu la takut ada brothers yg msuk tetiba..kang terkujat lak tgk kitorg..hehe..ada la brother yg ketuk2 pintu toilet tu..mcm saja je nk usik2 kot..ramai gak yg mandi kt engin time tu smpai ada mamat yg siap basuh moto lg kt koridor e5 tu guna paip bomba..brothers yg lain2 plak mandi kt tngki provided by syabas, kt depan blok e4 tepi jalan tu..mandi open..hahaha!rasa meriah sgt time tu..then uia bg cuti..tak silap aku lama gak la (time tu pon jerebu gak) smp aku pon sanggup balik perlis masa krisis air tu..and tv3 buat liputan..arghhhhh!ruginya aku..time aku kuar uia utk blk bercuti tu,aku dh nmpk van tv3 masuk uia..kalau tak,msti muka aku msuk tv dah..hehe..and aku igt lagi gamba student uia bwk baldi msuk dlm paper..klaka..n gamba tu jdi isu plak..sbb nyer Berita Harian siar gambar pelajar perempuan angkat air nampak perut...ntahla.myb reporter tercandid gmba best jugak merasa keadaan tu..jadi kenangan.



Arsenal Football Club has just signed (26th February) a sponsorship deal to promote Israel as a tourist destination.

The £350,000 agreement makes Israel Arsenal's "official and exclusive travel destination." Israel will be featured on digital perimeter boards and 450 high-definition LCD screens at the stadium on game days. The tourism ministry will also have access to the club's official website, database and magazine to promote Israel as a holiday destination.

The televised ads will reach audiences of up to 700 million in an estimated 198 countries. The Israeli Tourism Ministry will also receive intellectual property rights, the use of the team logo and the right to use photos of the team and its players in ads. For an additional fee, Arsenal players will also appear in the ads.

The deal doesn't stop with promoting Israel but actually grants Israel a physical presence in the stadium. The Israeli Tourism Ministry can use the stadium's banquet hall twice a year and can organize an exhibition at the end of the playing season.The stadium will also feature permanent sales tables for t-shirts.

p/s: hmmm...jgn kata arsenal saja, man u, chelsea, liverpool..dah la aku peminat liverpool ni..mmm..skg ni ntahla..tgk je la match tak ley beriya2 cam dulu da..

What the BBC won't show: Israel Targets Children

visit this [link]

Be careful Chinese New Year oranges round the corner

Chinese new year is drawing near. When buy Chinese oranges please beware of the worms inside. These worms are very similar to the texture of the orange and therefore can only be observe if you look carefully (long sighted person may not notice). The Chinese government had in fact made effort to destroy hundreds of tons of these oranges and compensate the farmers for these. But however some culprit may still sell it illegally. That's why we need to be careful. Whether the worms is harmful to the human body or not is still questionable. But generally if few numbers are consumed it should not make any harm according to doctors. It is advisable to be careful about it.


SMS dan Pesanan Khas Dari Pemimpin Hizbullah? Hukum Menyebar-luaskannya...

ulasan dr blog minda akob:

Tindakan tak berperikemanusiaan rejim Zionis ke atas penduduk Palestin dengan pantas telah membuka mata sekaligus mengundang banyak perhatian masyarakat dunia. Pelbagai bentuk bantahan telah diadakan di hampir seluruh pelosok dunia demi mengutuk tindakan kejam Israel ke atas Palestin serta menggesa boneka dan ’kuda tunggangan’ Israel; Amerika Syarikat untuk mengadakan sekatan ke atas negara haram Israel dan memberhentikan tindakan kejam mereka. Seluruh lapisan masyarakat dunia tanpa mengira bangsa dan agama telah menunjukkan rasa simpati mereka terhadap penderitaan yang dihadapi rakyat Palestin.

Peristiwa ini telah menyebabkan ramai pihak menjadi ’ringan tangan’ ingin menghulurkan bantuan dalam apa saja bentuk yang mereka termampu berpaksikan rasa simpati kemanusiaan yang ada di dalam diri mereka. Ada yang menghulurkan sumbangan dari segi harta (wang ringgit), ada pula yang menyumbang dalam bentuk pakaian dan ubat-ubatan, dan ada pula yang mengambil langkah mendo’akan dibantunya saudara seislam di Palestin dan dihancurkan bangsa Yahudi zionis Israel. Bahkan, ada yang menyebar-luaskan mesej berbentuk khidmat pesanan ringkas (SMS) yang bertulis:

Pemimpin Hizbullah Lebanon, Sayid Hasan Nashrullah meminta seluruh masyarakat muslimin untuk melafazkan ayat Quran berikut: Surah al-Fath ayat 26-27, surah Yunus ayat 85, 86 dan 87 pada malam ini. Tolong sebarkan agar Israel hancur. Sebarkan kepada seluruh umat Islam... ”

Demikianlah, pesanan yang diterima-langsung dari pemimpin besar Hizbullah yang beraliran Syi’ah. Pesanan ringkas yang sarat dengan petua-petua dan amalan-amalan yang ’berbaur’ agama. Masyarakat kita (orang melayu), dek kerana kadar ke’sedar’an dan simpatinya yang tinggi tanpa berfikir-panjang terus menyebar-luaskan mesej-mesej seumpama ini. Bukan saja tanpa ada sikap mahu menilai ataupun menganalisa kembali kebenaran, disebalik dakwaan penyebar mesej ini bahawa SMS ini dititipkan khas dari Nashrullah, bahkan juga sejauhmana kebenaran dan ketepatan ’amalan khas’ yang diperturunkan Nashrullah itu di neraca timbangan al-Quran dan al-Sunnah. Tanpa tahu menahu ataupun mungkin terlupa akan firman Allah SWT akan situasi ini:

Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Jika datang kepada kamu seorang yang fasiq membawa sesuatu berita, maka selidikilah (untuk menentukan)kebenarannya, supaya kamu tidak menimpakan sesuatu kaum dengan perkara yang tidak diingini - dengan sebab kejahilan kamu (mengenainya) - sehingga menjadikan kamu menyesali apa yang kamu telah lakukan.” [Surah al-Hujurat, 49: 6]

more info go to this [link]

Jan 11, 2009


the intermahallah sports carnival organising by iium was held on 10-11th jan 09 (for hockey only).. hafsa was in group A together with asiah and halimah..actually we are not a good team..most of us are amatur player..or some people said underdog..some of us doesnt know the rules, the technique, how to hit the ball...gosh!so many things to learn in 1 week..but for the opponent team,at least they have one MASUM player.we have we just target to finish the game earlier

the result of the match :
10th jan 09

1st round (group A)

asiah vs hafsa
(3-0) lose

hafsa vs halimah
(2-0) win

note: the 1st game with asiah was quite tough coz we cant adapt with padang hoki yg luas giler n somemore the opponent was pasukan pilihan (5 players for Masum)..main 7 sebelah je..formation 3-2-1.unfortunately, they gave us 3 shots..haha!hopefully, next game we can play better. luckily, we won the next game and qualified to 2nd round.


11th jan 09

2nd round

hafsa vs safiyyah
(1-0) win

note: gosh! win again??


semi final

hafsa vs nusaybah
(1-0) win

note: hey! betol ke team hafsa msuk final ni??impossible je..



hafsa vs asiah
(0-2) lose

note: haha...kalah bergaya! itu yg dpt dikatakan..the opponent was quite impress with our performance..its not like our 1st game we met them before..we already improved our skills..haha..actually, team asiah mcm tensi ngn kitorg yg serang n defend cam bagus(ayat tak agak2)..myb diorg underestimate team lah..diorg team star! yelah..sbb compare to 1st game, kitorg nk forward bola ke depan pon tak lps defend diorg..hehe..


well..aku rs puas main mcm ni..1stly, dpt sihatkan badan n fit kan bdn aku..2ndly, aku rs kita jgn cpt mengalah..mcm team aku, first2 lg dh target main seronok2 je..menang kalah tu tak kesah..belom cuba belom tau..kitorg pon tak sangka dpt msuk final..dpt msuk final kira dh mcm waaaaaah! hehe..dgn training nyer 2-3 kerat je yg turun..last minit je ramai2 turun..player pon mula2 tak konpem lagi cukup ke x..main tibai je cari player..sape yg nk main hoki kan..risky ..bahaya kot..kalu terkena kayu tu kt muka..cacat kot..then, mostly tak tau main hoki..hahaha!training pon blajar passing2 n hit bola je..rules pon tak tau..pstu ktorg tak penah training satu pdg yg luas giler tu..haha..kitorg slalu main buat court kecik sendiri je..rasanya suku padang tu kot..

cuma yg tak puas hati ttg pengurusan team hafsa..takde pon wakil2 fellow or officer team hafsa yg turun pdg memberi sokongn kpd kitorg..huhuhu..tak patut la mcm tu..terkontang kanting tau.takde makanan n minuman yg disediakn,itu pon, team manager yg beli guna duit sendiri utk pegi budget yg uia bg utk setiap mahallah?..tau nk saman student bila ada event mcm ni, takde sponsor or support from diorg.

bila dh dpt masuk final tu..mmg sweet sgt..walopon dh agak akan kalah ngn pasukan pilihan, kita cuba yg terbaik..fight for our coach sbb tak malu memberi arahan kpd kami di tepi pdg walopon kami dipandang hina sbgai pasukan yg tak de skill bermain hoki..tahniah team hafsa!

masa dh dpt masuk final ni..terngiang2 kt telinga aku lagu I was born to Love you by Queen.. lagu tu OST cite PRIDE..lakonan Takuya Kimura, as Satonaka Halu, pemain hoki ais yg hebat!thats my favourite japan series..aku suka cite dia..sgt best! n semangat kesukanan meresap dlm jiwa aku..hehe

I was born to love you
With every single beat of my heart
Yes, I was born to take care of you
Every single day...

I was born to love you
With every single beat of my heart
Yes, I was born to take care of you
Every single day of my life

You are the one for me
I am the man for you
You were made for me
You're my ecstasy
If I was given every opportunity
I'd kill for your love

So take a chance with me
Let me romance with you
I'm caught in a dream
And my dream's come true
It's so hard to believe
This is happening to me
An amazing feeling
Comin' through


I wanna love you
I love every little thing about you
I wanna love you, love you, love you
Born - to love you
Born - to love you
Yes I was born to love you
Born - to love you
Born - to love you
Every single day - of my life

An amazing feeling
Coming through


Yes I was born to love you
Every single day of my life

Go, I love you babe
Yes I was born to love you
I wanna love you, love you, love you
I wanna love you
I get so lonely, lonely, lonely
Yeah, I want to love you
Yeah, give it to me

thx to na,ila_cheng,izzah,tim,ain,tasya,yati,oja etc...and coach ipan!

Jan 10, 2009

A list of PRODUCTS that kills Muslim

River island
Mc donalds (tapi askrem dia sedap.. prosperity.. adussss!! takpe aku try berenti makan, Allahuakbar!)
Donna karan
Kee nex
Wonder bra
Copied from Adi..

career attack!

attack! mmg aku attack betol2 la career day tu hari jumaat kt pwtc.the synopsis of my journey are listed below...i was too eager to attack the booth!hahaha!

  • plan dgn ckin, zuria n linda. at first, ramai member2 yg nk join skali tp disebabkan diorg pon x prepare resume lg n x ready lg..tgl berempat je..
  • bgun pagi seawal mungkin..seawal mungkin nk kuar dr uia..plan gerak at 9am..aku bgn pas solat trus siap2...pakai lawa2..aku g engin kol 8 sbb nk photostat resume bebanyak n print gambar passport bebanyak..tjumpa ajis di baiduri..tny dia nk g ke x..dia kata nk g ahad..takpela..kitorg g dulu ari jumaat.takut org serbu hari sabtu ahad..kata career attack..mesti la org serbu..
  • gerak dr uia..tgu bas putra lama yg amat..x tiba2 lg..kitorg ambik keputusan, naik cab..takpe la..demi nk smp pwtc awal pnyer pasal..sgup byr rm5.5o
  • naik tren..semngat ni dgn bwk resume 30 kpg, gamba2, sijil tebal2 lak tu...haha..stationary pon aku bwk..clip paper, gunting, gam.kiranya beg aku tu dh jadi pandora's box dh..hehe
  • tiba pd pukul 10am..kitorg decide nk mkn dulu..sbb lapar n takut nti masuk pwtc ramai org..budget ada interview la..nti takut perut berbunyi lak..malu je kt interviewer, so kitorg pon mkn dlm the mall..
  • tgh order mkn..terjumpa ben n diana suraya..(ada lg yg lain2 tp x igt nama)..aku pon smngat tny.."korg dtg jgk ke?mn yg lain?jom la kita pg sama2?" diana bertnya "career attack ni ada ke X?" aku menjwb "ada la..siap ada iklan dlm paper kot"..ben mencelah "kitorg dh masuk dh".. aku bertnya dgn semangat "dh drop resume ke?"..diana menjawab "kitorg dh msuk tp takde booth apa2 pon psl career attack, ada banner tnjuk psl Youth '09" aku bertanya dgn perasaan gamam "apa benda tu?" diana menjawab dgn geram "ntah..mcm pertandingan apa ntah"...
  • tetiba..hp ben berdering..lps jwb call..ben pon kata "arini takde drop resume..kt midvalley next week 16-17hb ni baru ada"..kitorg pon sedeh..buat penat je aku smangat dtg awal2 pagi..haaahaahaaa..last skali kitorg pakat tanak bgtau member2 psl ni..biar diorg dtg n tau kesian la bgtau je la
  • disebabkan terlalu sedeh..kitorg pon mengambil keputusan berjalan di sekitar the mall..kata diorg nk shopping lps geram..aku dh x ley shopping ..jimat jln2 window shopping je..tak beli brg2 pon..pastu kitorg msuk pwtc.tgk2 la suasana di dlm..and mana la tau kot2 ada booth utk drop resume or company yg nk offer kerja hampa, takde pon..penatnyer!dh jln2 tu kitorg lepak kt surau..smpai tertido..haha..pas org dh abeh solat jumaat..kitorg pon pulang ke uia dgn tgn kosong..haha
  • jadikan benda ni iktibar dan teladan..hehe..myb misunderstanding kot..ntah hrp2 tak terlepas career attack kt mid valley..jom kita serbu beramai2..kali ni mesti attack betol2..
  • jgn lupa update resume anda, bwk gamba passport..kalu ikot style aku..aku print sndiri gamba pssport tu guna kertas gambar..nk g cuci kt kedai..mahal la duit..hehe..bwk sijil2(in case ada walk in interview)..and stationary yg berpatutan..stapler,clip paper.etc..formal attire n kemas,jgn kalu ada yg nk tambah..sila la tambah di dlm comment post ini.
  • aku dgr ramai gak bdk2 uia yg join Youth 09 tu..ada battle of the band, graffitti n etc..mcm2 pertndingan..kepada yg berkenaan, good jijam,good luck for shutter asia shootout photography contest.

window shopping

Youth 09 @ pwtc

ckin terlena


hobi baru..

i borrowed the helicopter from topoi..hehe..this type is indoor helicopter..can play about 15 minutes only..i learned how to control the movement and how to fly asyek senget je bila aku control and tak fly2 gak.. but it's least i know how it works.i spent my time on weekends to play these kind of heli...

under presure!

hectic week!
gosh! so many things to do..until my head is's been a while i didnt update my blog...below is the list of works or things i did during my hectic week..

  1. Quiz --> materials selection and composite.kata lecturer ada quiz..aku pon study bagai nk lah..awal2 sem ni la nk pulun kan..smtra keje tak overload lg..dh la ada training hoki pd sblh ptg n dgn longlai nyer aku gagahkan diri jgk utk study (penat n ngantuk)..mata dh kutu pon aku ttp semngt study..jeles lak tgk rumate2 aku,izzah n ila..yg masih lagi beronggeng di wktu mlm..lyn movie n chat..diorg mn ada quiz2 lg arghh...semangat..quiz nyer kol 830 am lak..masyaAllah..awalnyer! pd keesokan harinya ..sperti yg dijanjikan,class composite quiz nyer takde...we just received the handout and do some exercises..waaa..penat je aku study smpai x cukup seb baik materials selection ada quiz..
  2. FYP --> alhamdulillah..for this week, ada progres n berjalan dgn lancar..but there's somethg yg aku tension..aku nk potong tube tu nk guna cutter machine kt dlm stor E0 sebelah lift..i already consult with the technician at workshop..because the machine was under their liability...masa nk mtk potong tu, byk tanya la plak..n mcm nk bagi alasan..mcm susah sgt la nk bg aku guna mesin tu..smpai berkerut2 muka dia pk...padahal aku dh byk kali dh guna mesin tu nk potong..pstu nk mtk potong kali kedua plak utk hari yg sama.dia tak nak bg aku potong guna mesin tu lak..dgn alasan nk jimatkan elektrik..helo! uia beli mesin tu utk kegunaan student especially dak2 fyp..bukan mesin tu utk korg n bukan hak korg pon..padahal,diorg bley lagi dok borak2 kt situ..bkn buat keje pon..ada je masa nk bukak stor tu kat tu workshop pon takde class sgt pon..waaa.tensi nyer aku..skali aku kenyit2 pon diorg tak tergoda gak ngn kenyitan aku..agknya aku ni tak pndai nk mengayat2 kot..sbb aku dh ayat dh before diorg tau taktik aku pon dgn geramnyer pegi la potong tiub tu manually...using heck saw..geram skali..aku pon potong2..tgk2 kejap je aku potong..tak smpai 6 minit agknya..besi tu keras gak.carbon steel..agknya sbb geram sgt kot..tgn aku jadi power kes td mngajar aku utk berdikari la..hehe..baik aku potong sendiri..takde la buang masa nk g argue ngn org2 workshop tu aku nk berterima kasih kt supervisor aku ngn bro yim (tech kt metallography lab)..diorg slalu tlg aku kalu aku x pndai handle mesin..waaa..aku salute diorg..diorg sabar je layan karenah aku yg kdg2 blur ni....hehe.....

3. Hoki--> frens out there yg dh lama mengenali aku msti terkejut nape lak tetiba aku main hoki..haha..sukan kategory ni mmg lom penah aku ceburi..aku pnh main kjup, ms sekolah dulu f4..itu pon aku blajr kjup je..if im not mistaken..ada la 2 hari kot..sbb sj nk try..itu la taun last skali aku pgg stick..kiranyer dh 7 tahun dh aku x pgg stick..haha..bidang aku adalah handball..kiranya tu la sukan yg aku cintai smpi skg...handball aku main dr skolah rendah smp skg..cuma dh msuk 4th year ni dh x aktif handball dah..otai la katakan..hahahaa..aku join hoki 4 intermahallah sports carnival..igtkan dh final year dh tak main dh utk sbb kesian kt na (wan sarah nabila) and ajakan rumate2 aku yg tersyg iela n izzah(diorg pndai buat ayat2 n muka kesian), aku pon termakan pujukan n join la team hoki Hafsa. wahahaha..komited g trun training ptg n kitorg ni majority bdk engin..4 org je final year...wahhh..tgk la moment2 kitorg bergaya atas pdg dgn stick..mcm hebat kan?haha...hebat?? so tgu la "kehebatan" kami.. this saturday at hoki field, female sports complex.
kami tak sabar beraksi

gaya bak seorg pemain professional..blkg tu coach lipan

izzah mmg power apabila hit bola

iela ni striker..kalu ada abg cheng..lg la power

shopping mood!

..chinese new year sale's better if i avoid from going to any shopping complex for a while because i can't see shoes! shoes and everything that related to shoes..i have spent a lot for shoes during year-end lain shopping baju2...aku ni lain..suka shopping kasut! shoeholic! last 2 weeks (1 day after commit suicide case, a woman leaped from 10th floor), i went to berjaya times square and just passing by esarli house..i have no intention to buy anythg, tp x taula...mcm ada daya tarikan magnet jek..aku termasuk dan ternampak satu pair kasut ni dgn 50% off..aku teros angkat..try2 dpn cermin..tny saiz ada stok ke x..last pair lak tu...try lg skali...tros bayar...adoi...knape la tak pikir dulu..hmmm..skg ni kotak kasut aku dh bertambah..kira la sndiri bape pasang..wahaaaahaaa..itu yg display on the shelf..blom masuk lg kasut2 bwh katil aku..belom masuk lg kasut lama aku yg rosak n tak baiki2 lg..blom masuk lg sport shoes n sandal aku..lom masuk lg..selipar jamban aku!hehehe..mungkin mengumpul koleksi kasut adalah hobi aku kot?

hahaa...sempat lagi click ngn diorg2 nih..

Jan 4, 2009

holigans! (hantu2 menyerang)

my 1st entry...
but this thing is not too ilmiah for u..hehe.

too many holidays within this 2 weeks..after i woke up,(usually @ 12pm~bgun solat subuh tido balik..hehe), i joined the battle of wars to defeat the holigans (hantu2 yg jahat)..they have attacted the school (including uia) i must save the people (ayat heroic)..using my archery..the only skill that i have..hehe..

the things that i mentioned just now is about online game..i joined MyRosso since june last year..someone from Petronas (my internship company) has recommended the
ganas game to me. then after he demonstrated, i became addicted.haha..jaga2! once u addicted,everything will be delayed .keje,makan,tido,(solat tak tangguh ye)..dari pagi smp mlm main online game..masyaAllah..luckily, it was my last week there and the plant was shut down...nothing to most of us layan online game..
skg dh kalau sambung main ni..fyp pon bley tertangguh..n cara yg x bijak utk kurus (lupa mkn)..hehe

moral of the story: dont play game too much (dota etc.)'s ok if u play, as long as it will not harm u..actually, i already left MyRosso after i left petronas,but
semangat tetiba dtg time cuti baru2 ni..haha..but dont worry, i'm just do it when i dont have anything to do~bila busan yg tahap melampau menguasai diri ini..

~the name of the character is peyhan...already level 14..haha...kill holigans kill!

WOW! i made it....

wow!aaaahaaaaa...i made it..hehe..finally..i did it! my blog is active and ready to launch..haha..apa la yg aku buat tgh2 mlm buta kol 3 pagi ni...

this blog is already created since august 2008 but due to some problem (technophobia..hahaha), i do nothing..after being inspired by my sisters (hana & honey), i joined this kind of bloggers world. Plus, some of my frens are also bloggers:ajis, adelina, amir, fiza hanif, lemek, aiman etc, i feel amazed when reading their!cheer me up..dont forget to leave comments..
